Advanced Barcoder (Extension)

Advanced Barcoder (Extension)


This extension extends the regular barcode functionality by adding the ability to scan Lot and Items barcodes.  In addition, quantities on documents are increased by one each time the item is scanned ensuring accurate receiving records.


Please see the article on Managing Extensions for installation instructions


This extension is available on Purchase Orders, Item Receipts, Bills, Purchase Returns, Quotes, Sales Orders, Shipments, Sales Invoices, Credit Memos and Cash Sales.

To use, click the Options link next to the Add button near the line items and choose Add items by barcode (figure 1).  A window will pop up (figure 2) and you can start scanning!
Things to note:   
  1. Each time you scan an item, the quantity will increase by one.   
  2. When you are done with one item, simply scan the next.  You don't have to click add or do anything else.
  3. Lots numbers may also be scanned in this way.

Figure 1: Using the Barcode scanning extension

Figure 2: The scanning window

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