


Time-tracking allows the users of AccountingSuite™ to log hours against a project. The tasks are items,  just items that aren’t tracked in inventory. They are known as service items.

In order to track time, the following tasks must be complete:

Tracking Time

  1. Navigate to Projects / Timetracking → Timetracking.
  2. Click Create.
  3. The logged in user pre-fills in the User field. Change if needed.
  4. Choose a Customer from the drop-down list.
  5. Choose a Class. (optional)
  6. Choose a Task.
  7. The Hourly Rate is populated from the item record. Change if needed.
  8. Enter the Hours.
  9. Check the Billable checkbox if you wish to include this time on a future invoice and to appear in the costs on reports.
  10. Type a Description to appear on the invoice.

If there is an existing sales order for this work, you may click the Link Sales Order button. A list of open sales order will be listed in a popup. Choose the Sales Order and click Save.  You can also generate and/or link an invoice by clicking the link.

From the Timetracking List view, click the Multi-entry to enter multiple lines against the same project / customer.  

1) Enter the User
2) Check the billable by default if applicable.
3) Enter Customer Project, Class, Task and Price once and
4) Click copy to copy the line above it and increment the date by one day --or--  Click copy (same date) to copy the line above exactly. 
5) Click Create Entries when you are done creating entries to save the records and close.

Note:  Time tracking records can be numbered automatically.  To set up numbering, navigate to Settings / Utilities and Document Numbering.   Find Time Tracking in the list and enter one less than you'd like the next number to be.   For example, if you want the next number to be 1000, enter 999.

last update 11/6/2020 - JML
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